::: videogames by TEG :::
Dog Daze Revolution ( 597 Kb )
mueve tu perro y lanza tu hueso para conseguir hidrantes! (remake de un juego Atari 800xl - '83)
move your dog and throw your bone to claim fire hydrants! (remake of an Atari 800xl game -'83)
El Gato Volador ( 1.61 Mb )
memoriza y repite los movimientos de dos gatos (activar modo compatibilidad con Win98)
[The Flying Cat] memory game. repeat the movements of two cats (set Win98 compatibility mode)
Frogger Mambo ( 958 Kb )
remake del clasico Frogger con nuevas dificultades (ej. HUAYCOS) y modo 2 jugadores!
remake of Frogger featuring new difficulties (ex. MUD FLOODS) and 2 players mode!
La Tercera Vuelta ( 457 Kb )
Alejandro Toledo intenta tomar el Palacio de Gobierno y derrotar a Fujimori, presidente de Peru
simple shooting game between candidate A.Toledo and Alberto Fujimori, president of Peru
Samba De Oruga (demo) ( 3.83 Mb )
Tetris con poderes especiales, fotos de Orugaloca desnuda (integrante de TEG) y musica samba. Para 1 o 2 jugadores (modo competencia)
Tetris with power-ups, naked photos of our girl member "Orugaloca" and
samba music. For 1 or 2 players (versus mode). Don't miss this release!
The King Of Peru ( 2.64 Mb )
prototipo del juego de pelea entre Alan Garcia y Alejandro Toledo (politicos peruanos)
early version of a beat-em-up between Alan Garcia and Toledo (presidential candidates in Peru)
The King Of Peru 2 (demo) ( 4.25 Mb )
videojuego de pelea con Fujimori, Alan, Toledo y Montesinos, personajes politicos peruanos
(el primer videojuego programado y publicado en cd-rom en el Peru)
beat-em-up with the peruvian politiciansFujimori, Alan Garcia, Toledo y Montesinos
(the first videogame developed and published on cd-rom in Peru)
::: videogames by TEG :::

  ::: audio & video :::
Sin Disculpa (1.86 Mb - Real Video)      Sin Disculpa (1.78 Mb - WMV)
sangrienta animacion en plastilina con Laura Bozzo, Carlos Cacho y Laura Borlini. (duracion 1 m. 11 sec)
stop motion animation with characters from a peruvian bloody talkshow (lenght: 1 m. 11 sec)
King Of Peru 2 - Garfia ( 2.04 Mb )     (c) 2001 TEG / Composed by xSound
musica de The King Of Peru 2 - Escenario 1 / in-game music from The King Of Peru 2 - Stage 1
King Of Peru 2 - Tuledu ( 1.79 Mb )     (c) 2001 TEG / Composed by xSound
musica de The King Of Peru 2 - Escenario 2 / game music from The King Of Peru 2 - Stage 2
King Of Peru 2 - Fuchimori ( 2.04 Mb )
    (c) 2001 TEG / Composed by xSound
musica de The King Of Peru 2 - Escenario 3 / game music from The King Of Peru 2 - Stage 3
King Of Peru 2 - Sir Vlady ( 1.71 Mb )
    (c) 2001 TEG / Composed by xSound and Mr.Byte
musica de The King Of Peru 2 - Escenario 4 / game music from The King Of Peru 2 - Stage 4
Festival de los robots ( 3.96 Mb )
La estupenda cortina musical del famoso programa juvenil de los '80 (El Vengador, Super Magnetron, El Galactico, El Gladiador)
MayBeBop - Enigma Force ( 1.24 Mb )
interpretacion vocal del tema Enigma Force (juego Commodore 64 ). descarga SID original y compara
funny arrangement of Enigma Force music (Commodore 64 game). download original SID and compare
1 - Pacman Fever ( 4.32 Mb ) 5 - Hyperspace ( 1.41 Mb )
2 - Froggy's Lament ( 3.88 Mb ) 6 - The Defender ( 1.38 Mb )
3 - Ode to a Centipede ( 6.34 Mb ) 7 - Mousetrap ( 4.61 Mb )
4 - Do the Donkey Kong ( 4.02 Mb ) 8 - Goin'Bezerk ( 1.47 Mb )
Temas musicales de videojuegos clasicos (del CD "Pacman Fever" de Bucker y Garcia)
Music themes from classic videogames (from "Pacman Fever" CD by Buckner and Garcia)
::: audio & video :::

  ::: retro stuff / ROM consoles :::
Smiling Panda 1 - 4 HTML ( 163 Kb ) converted to HTM by Victor Zegarra
version HTML de los primeros numeros de nuestra disk-magazine para Commodore 64 (1991-1992)
HTML version of the first issues of our disk-magazine for Commodore 64 (1991-1992)
Smiling Panda # 5 ( 167 Kb ) - C64 disk image
nuestra revista en diskette para Commodore 64 (Numero 5, Noviembre 1992)
our disk-magazine for Commodore 64 (issue 5, November 1992)
*** requires C64 emulator ***
Sonic The Hedgehog ( 743 Kb )   - SNES ROM
Sonic para SNES / juego modificado en el Peru por Alex Mena (code) y Mr.Byte (graficos)
Sonic for SNES / game hacked in Peru by Alex Mena (code) & Mr.Byte (graphics) - 1996
*** requires SuperNES emulator ***
Futbol Excitante ( 848 Kb )   - SNES ROM
La famosa modificacion Futbol Excitante que en tu juventud te entretuvo. HORRIBLE OYE !!!
International Superstar Soccer (SNES) hacked version in Peru.
*** requires SuperNES emulator ***
Copa Libertadores 3 ( 336 Kb )   - SNES ROM  
Otra de las grandes modificaciones de futbol hechas en Peru: Alianza Lima, Cristal, Cienciano, etc.
Super Formation Soccer 2 (SNES) hacked version in Peru.
*** requires SuperNES emulator ***
Flubber ( 733 Kb )   - SNES ROM
Flubber para SNES (juego modificada en el Peru en 1998)
Flubber for SNES (game hacked in Peru in 1998)
*** requires SuperNES emulator ***
Time Pilot ( 115 Kb )   - SNES ROM
conversion del juego programada por Alex (Peru)
porting coded by Alex Mena (Peru) in 1992 aprox.
*** requires SuperNES emulator ***
El Bien y El Mal ( 23 Kb )   - Sinclair 48k
el primer videojuego hecho en el Peru (1987)
the first videogame made in Peru (1987)
*** requires SINCLAIR 48k emulator ***
Amstrad Commie 64 Sinclair TurboGrafx
mas cosas sobre los ordenadores clasicos!
more stuff from the good old computers!
Aventuras D'Onofrio ( 36.8 Kb )   - Atari 800 xl  
El primer videojuego educativo-promocional realizado en el Peru! (version para Atari 800xl)
The first promotional-educational videogame made in Peru! (Atari 800xl version)
*** requires ATARI 800xl emulator ***
::: retro stuff / ROM consoles :::

  ::: utilities :::
ASP Faker ( 23 Kb )
reasigna extension .ASP a .HTM para ser interpretada por IExplorer como simple pagina web (solo Win95/98)
reassigns .ASP extension as .HTM to be viewed by IExplorer as a normal web page (Win95/98 only)
SidPlay_w95 ( 159 Kb )
player independiente para escuchar musica del C64 (SID 6581) / stand alone program to play C64 music files
WinAmp_insid14b ( 149 Kb )
WinAmp plug-in para escuchar musica del C64 (SID 6581). presiona aqui para saber como configurar
WinAmp plug-in to play C64 music files (SID 6581)
WinAmp_insap22 ( 115 Kb )
WinAmp plug-in para escuchar musica de ATARI (Pokey)
WinAmp plug-in to play ATARI music files (Pokey)
WinAmp_inspc205 ( 145 Kb )
WinAmp plug-in para escuchar musica de SUPER NINTENDO
WinAmp plug-in to play SUPER NES music files
::: utilities :::